Supplementary Service

Meet the function which you need in your company at the service market.

Receivables factoring

A service to cash account receivables generated from the sale of goods and services to customers at an earlier phase using big data for real-time accounting

  • Non-face-to-face services provided through with an electronic tax invoice
  • Review and payment to account is made within 24 hours after application
  • Service fees are similar to an intermediate interest rate even for transactions with small and medium enterprises
  • Service provided regardless of bank credit limit
  • No obligation of repayment on behalf of your customer even if the customer fails to make payment
매출채권팩토링 스크린샷
매출채권팩토링 화면


This service helps you efficiently manage your business by setting the company’s business method and goals.

  • Step-by-step management of sales information through the sales funnel method
  • Sales rep. and account management
  • Business information sharing through registration of issue and business history
  • Analysis of contract award rate through data quantification
  • Various business management templates provided
  • Real-time sales information management through link to electronic tax invoice
  • Business goal setting and allocation of goals by person in charge
CRM 스크린샷
CRM 화면


A service that is optimized for project management helps you improve business productivity.

  • Management of detailed project information such as project overview, participating resources, budget, etc.
  • Project risk management through real-time issue registration
  • Schedule registration and distribution of responsibilities using Gantt chart
  • Detailed budgeting and budget bill management by version
  • Real-time management of expense execution through link to expense claims
  • Project cost analysis through settlement
  • Management of other resources, such as project equipment, supplies, and facilities
PMS 스크린샷
PMS 화면

Expense claim - Corporate card

Now It's possible to Check the corporate card history on
PC and Mobile! Managing corporate card with accurate card history management through credit card company linkage

  • Convenient expense claim through the card history
  • Check the receipt through the file attachment function
  • Check the status of changes in expenditure, such as card cancellation notifications
Corporate card ScreenShot

Expense claim - Personal card

Easy and quick personal expense claim which you can get the details you want comfortably by card registration without paper receipt

  • All electronic payments required for expense claim at once
  • Spending resolution request through card usage request function.
  • Request administrator approval for expenditures through expense approval function.
Personal card ScreenShot

Expense status analysis

Get a quick view of our company's expense flow.
Start fund management which can easily check per user and per period and which is clear.

  • Expense information linkage which is used to corporate card, personal card.
  • Checking statistics data per each specified management department.
  • Checking report per period/organization/use.
Expense status analysis ScreenShot

Please check the WEHAGO Service Market site for
what your company needsVarious services are added to provide a more efficient working environment